Bcc Blocking

Seamless Sync and Enhanced Security with BCC Blocking

In today's fast-paced world, email accessibility across devices and locations is paramount, and synchronisation is non-negotiable. At MailServe, we've anticipated these needs and have introduced the Priority Inbox and Mobile Inbox features to ensure that your mobile users experience a productive email environment on the go.

Supported by our intuitive webmail interface, MailServe offers a seamless cloud-based email experience, eliminating the need for desktop email client downloads and their associated drawbacks. With secure archiving, anytime-anywhere access, and the ability to activate, provision, and deactivate users and devices at your convenience, MailServe provides unparalleled reliability and availability.

Introducing our latest feature: Bcc blocking. With this feature, you gain an additional layer of security and control over your email environment. By blocking BCC recipients directly within the MailServe webmail interface, you can minimise the risk of unauthorised email forwarding and ensure compliance with your organisation's policies.

Enabling BCC blocking is simple:

  • Log in to the MMv3 Admin Panel.
  • Navigate to Client > Mail Hosting > Add/Edit Mailbox Account.
  • Select the 'Block BCC Recipient' checkbox.

With MailServe's BCC blocking feature, you have yet another compelling reason to transition your users from email clients to webmail and IMAP. Experience seamless synchronisation and enhanced security with MailServe, your trusted email solution.